Minggu, 28 Desember 2008

Facing up to the problems of curtain wall

Faults and failures in the outer skin of a building could be a disaster waiting to happen

Dallas Business Journal - by Lindsey Townsend Correspondent

Source : http://www.bizjournals.com/dallas/stories/2001/08/13/focus3.html

GREATER METROPLEX -- It doesn't always take a tornado to make the walls come tumbling down. Inadequate materials, poor installation, improper maintenance schedules, extreme heat and budget cuts can all contribute to problems with curtain walls.

"You have to maintain those curtain walls today in order to avoid spending a lot more in the future, because decay is exponential, not linear. A $50,000 repair today might cost you $200,000 in a couple of years and $1 million in four," said Joe Solinski, president of Stone & Glazing Consulting, an exterior-wall consulting-services firm.

Curtain wall is the name given to the non-load bearing, exterior vertical skin of a building that typically includes materials such as glass, stone, aluminum, marble, metal or composite panels, sealants or brick. In addition to preventing water entry and air leakage, curtain walls allow light to enter windows, help define a building's character and protect its interior.

But when things go wrong there is no telling what might happen -- anything from tiny pieces of glass falling from a high-rise to a huge chunk of stone tumbling from a skyscraper. "A curtain wall's long-term behavior is a function both of its components and its response to weather-element exposure," said Dudley McFarquhar, associate director of the curtain wall sector for LZA Technology in Dallas. LZA provides investigative engineering, design and construction-materials evaluation.

A combination of undersized or poorly installed materials or connections combined with wind cycling, temperature cycling -- heat-freeze-thaw cycles -- coupled with water entry can all contribute to degradation of materials or their joinery, McFarquhar said.

"Some curtain walls have problems either with the design or installation of the waterproofing," he said. "Situations such as poor flashing details allow uncontrolled water infiltration. This can result in damage to walls such as sheet rock-fastener corrosion or loosening of mortar joints. Issues with freeze-thaw cycles could cause flaking of some stone panel types. In general, over time, if not maintained, parts of the building could become loose and fall."

Unlike older cities like New York and Chicago, Dallas does not have a façade-inspection ordinance that mandates regular building inspections. While building codes generally prescribe design-loading requirements, they usually don't take building deterioration into account. That makes it especially critical for the building ownership or property-management company to implement a regular schedule of inspection and maintenance to correct potential problems before they happen.

Curtain-wall problems can occur as a result of product failure, poor installation, design problems -- or all three. "The challenge of building veneers is architects want their buildings to look like no other building, so they often create all sorts of marriages of brick, stone and glass to make the aesthetic match their visualization," said Solinski. "Then you add suppliers to that mix -- who may be using materials that have not been tested over time in those situations -- and installers who can take a perfectly good product and do a poor job of installing it."

Another issue arises when specifications for the building's design are not properly reviewed and enforced. When the wrong materials are used and budgets are tight, even heat and sun can cause problems.

"The architect may have done his job up front specifying certain product or performance criteria, but it can be sacrificed due to budget," said Mike Harvey, architectural sales representative from Wausau Windows, a curtain wall systems and aluminum-window manufacturer and installer.

"If an owner wants a $2 million design with a $1 million budget, the general contractor may step in and start cutting costs. But when quality is sacrificed, tragedy can strike," he said.

"Let's say you have a shadow cutting across a piece of glass on a southern exposure of a glass-covered building, where temperatures can reach 160-180 degrees," Harvey said. "If the subcontractor has provided cheaper glass that is not properly heat-strengthened or tempered, it can fracture under that kind of stress."

Problems also result when the pressure is on and deadlines are moved up. "The industry has always been budget and schedule driven, but now management has computers, e-mail, software -- information on the fly -- while the guy in the field is pretty much still out there with the hammer and the nail," Solinski said. "If he can't finish the job quickly enough, he may start skipping steps."

Because every building is a unique mix of materials, each requires its own customized schedule, said John Dawson, director of engineering with Trizec Hahn in Dallas. "Accidents can still happen, but you can avoid most major problems with the right inspection schedule by qualified people and by budgeting for maintenance costs ahead of time. Even granite, which typically doesn't deteriorate, can be a problem if it is secured improperly."

Thin stone veneers, which have grown rapidly in popularity in the building trade since the 1960s, often present special problems. Because technological advances now allow designers to specify thinner, lighter stone panels, installation quality control and adherence to details is even more critical, according to Solinski.

"If there's a problem, some people will have a tendency to talk themselves out of it by sweeping it under the rug. But they always pay for it later -- in a lawsuit, higher repair costs or loss of tenants," he said.t- and schedule-driven, but now management all has computers, email, software -- information on the fly -- while the guy in the field is pretty much still out there with the hammer and the nail. If he can't finish the job quickly enough, he may start skipping steps," Solinski said.

Townsend is a Lake Dallas-based freelance writer.

Selasa, 16 September 2008

Curtain Wall--02

Dari pembahasan Curtain Wall--01 telah dijelaskan mengenai integritas struktural yang harus dimiliki oleh Curtain Wall dan berbagai beban yang harus didukung oleh sistem tersebut. Bila telah memenuhi kriteria-kriteria struktural, dan Curtain Wall tersebut telah mampu berdiri secara kokoh dengan kemungkinan pembebanan yang akan terjadi, baik dari berat material, beban hidup, beban angin dan bila beberapa beban bekerja secara bersamaan, Sistem Curtain Wall harus mampu menahan dan mengakomodasi beban-beban tersebut tanpa terjadi kerusakan pada sistem.
Fungsi sebagai Filter
Kriteria desain selanjutnya setelah terpenuhi integritas struktural adalah pemenuhan fungsi Curtain Wall sebagai filter yang memisahkan antara luar dan dalam, dan menciptakan ruang arsitektural yang nyaman dihuni. Setidaknya terdapat 5 fungsi filter yang harus dimiliki oleh Curtain Wall.
  1. Filter dan kontrol terhadap kebocoran udara.
  2. Filter dan kontrol terhadap air hujan
  3. Filter dan kontrol terhadap panas dan sinar matahari
  4. Filter dan Kontrol terhadap suara
  5. Filter dan kontrol terhadap kondensasi dan pengembunan
(Bersambung Curtain Wall--3)

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

In memorium WTC

Tujuh tahun berlalu sejak peristiwa tumbangnya gedung kembar WTC, tulisan ini tidak akan membahas latar belakang terorisme, perdebatan politis mengenai peristiwa tersebut, hanya mencoba mengenang sebuah karya arsitektur yang berakhir tragis. Sebagai seorang arsitek apakah anda pernah membayangkan bahwa hasil karya anda akan dihajar dua pesawat dan runtuh? Apakah spesifikasi gedung harus di perbaiki hingga taraf ekstrim seperti itu?
Beberapa fakta mengenai WTC dan 911 nya sering dihubung-hubungkan silahkan percaya atau tidak.
Mari Kita kenang WTC secara arsitektural.

Di rancang oleh Minoru Yamasaki

Sumber Foto http://911.yweb.sk/images/wtc/wtc8.jpg

Sumber foto www.freedomfiles.org

World Trade Center September 11, 2001 Photo by: Steve Spak
sumber http://vincentdunn.com/wtc.html
Penjelasan mengapa gedung ini runtuh

Detil Curtain Wall WTCBeberapa data teknis struktur :

Height: 1,368 and 1,362 feet (417 and 415 meters)
Owners: Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
(99 year leased signed in April 2001 to groups including Westfield America and Silverstein Properties)
Architect: Minoru Yamasaki, Emery Roth and Sons consulting
Engineer: John Skilling and Leslie Robertson of Worthington, Skilling, Helle and Jackson
Ground Breaking: August 5, 1966
Opened: 1970-73; April 4, 1973 ribbon cutting
Destroyed: Terrorist attack, September 11, 2001

The Structural System

Yamasaki and engineers John Skilling and Les Robertson worked closely, and the relationship between the towers’ design and structure is clear. Faced with the difficulties of building to unprecedented heights, the engineers employed an innovative structural model: a rigid "hollow tube" of closely spaced steel columns with floor trusses extending across to a central core. The columns, finished with a silver-colored aluminum alloy, were 18 3/4" wide and set only 22" apart, making the towers appear from afar to have no windows at all.

Also unique to the engineering design were its core and elevator system. The twin towers were the first supertall buildings designed without any masonry. Worried that the intense air pressure created by the buildings’ high speed elevators might buckle conventional shafts, engineers designed a solution using a drywall system fixed to the reinforced steel core. For the elevators, to serve 110 stories with a traditional configuration would have required half the area of the lower stories be used for shaftways. Otis Elevators developed an express and local system, whereby passengers would change at "sky lobbies" on the 44th and 78th floors, halving the number of shaftways.

(Taken from www.skyscraper.org)

Sumber :http://www.civil.usyd.edu.au/wtc.shtml

Peristiwa ini telah membawa pemikiran dan standard keselamatan baru pada gedung, baik dari segi keselamatan pengguna gedung maupun pendekatan desain gedung tinggi secara keseluruhan.

Minggu, 07 September 2008

Link Facade Engineering

Great Building Online
Contoh-contoh dan referensi bangunan yang mempunyai nilai arsitekturl dan histori.
Mengasah rasa dan menantang secara engineering.

Royal Institute of British Architect

Architecture Wikipedia
Arsitektur dalam penjelasan wikipedia, link-link external menarik untuk diikuti

Blog Arsitektur
Daily Dose

50 Best Blog of Architecture

Arsitekturina dari ITB

Facade Engineering
Facade engineering Consultant

Facade engineering Consultant from Australia

Facade engineering di Universitas Bath

Facade Engineering
Facade Engineering company from UK

Facade Engineering Consultant ARUP

Meinhard Facade Consultant


Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

Curtain Wall --01

Seri tulisan ini akan memberikan gambaran umum mengenai Curtain Wall, dalam bahasa Indonesia apakah tepat di terjemahkan menjadi "Dinding Tirai"? silahkan menjadi bahan diskusi. Konsep mengenai Curtain Wall muncul dalam pergerakan Arsitektur modern, ketika material bangunan mulai bergeser dari dinding dan batu, menjadi material yang lebih ringan seperti metal, kaca dan panel. Perkembangannya semakin pesat ketika mulai ditemukan material aluminium, yang kemudian juga menguntungkan dengan produksi masal dan ekonomis.

Konsep Dinding Sebagai Filter
Konsep utama dalam memahami Curtain Wall adalah; dinding sebagai elemen fasad bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai filter umtuk memisahkan elemen luar dan dalam. Memberikan ruang arsitektur untuk di huni secara nyaman, membungkusnya dari elemen elemen luar seperti, sinar matahari, hujan, suara bising, panas dll. Untuk melakukan fungsinya sebagai filter yang memisahkan elemen luar dan dalam dan menciptakan ruang hunian yang nyaman dihuni, curtain wall harus mampu berdiri dan bertahan terhadap beban yang bekerja secara struktural. Faktor utama untuk dipertimbangkan dalam merancang Curtain Wall adalah integritas struktural Curtain wall itu sendiri. Berdasarkan jenisnya Curtain Wall dapat dikategorikan menjadi,
Stick System, Unitized Systems, dan Semi Untized Systems.

Material Curtain WallPada umumnya curtain wall terdiri dari frame aluminium dengan bahan pengisi kaca, aluminium composite panel atau material lain seperti beton pra cetak, batu alam dan plat metal lain.
Integritas Struktural
Sebelum mempertimbangkan fungsi lain sebagai filter, Curtain wall harus dirancang untuk mampu berdiri dan menerima beban baik dari material itu sendiri, seperti berat kaca, berat aluminium, aluminium composite panel, metal sheet. dll atau gaya-gaya yang ditimbulkan oleh faktor luar seperti angin hujan, salju, ekspansi alibat panas,
gempa bumi.BebanPerlu diingat bahwa Curtain Wall adalah elemen arsitektural, semua beban yang diterima akan disalurkan melalui sistem bracket atau fastener ke elemen struktural seperti balok atau kolom pada bangunan tersebut.Beban Mati
Seperti dijelaskan di atas beban mati berasal dari berat curtain wall itu sendiri, baik dari mullion, transoms, kaca Anchor, dan elemen-elemen lain curtain wall.Beban AnginAngin merupakan faktor alam yang cukup rumit untuk diantisipasi dalam merancang curtain wall, tanpa kombinasi dengan hujan dan salju, angin dengan kecepatan tinggi akan mampu meruntuhkan curtain wall yang tidak dirancang dengan benar. selain harus mempertimbangkan angin yang bertiup menuju bangunan (+ wind load) perancang harus lebih berhati-hati terhadap angin yang meninggalkan gedung (- wind load). Tekanan positif yang ditimbulkan oleh angin yang bergerak menuju gedung akan ditopang oleh semua elemen struktural curtain wall, tetapi untuk tekanan angin negatif, hanya beberapa elemen curtain wall yang bekerja untuk menahannya.
Beban Gempa
Beban akibat gempa bumi harus diperhitungkan, mengingat di Indonesia merupakan wilayah potensi gempa. Curtain wall harus mampu mengakomodasi pergerakan bangunan yang ditimbulkan oleh gempa bumi. Dalam merencanakan curtain wall harus diperhitungkan agar sistem secara keseluruhan mampu menahan pergerakan bangunan akibat gempa tanpa mengalami kerusakan atau kebocoran air. Sistem anchor Curtain wall terhadap struktur bangunan mempunyai peran penting dalam menyelesaikan masalah ini, tentu saja struktur utama bangunan juga harus dirancang untuk mampu mengakomodasi gerakan akibat gempa.
Beban akibat Salju
Di daerah bersalju, sistem curtain wall harus juga mampu menahan beban akibat akumulasi salju yang akan timbul. Karena sebagian besar curtain wall di rancang secara vertikal, pertimbangan salju ini berlaku untuk curtain wall yang membentuk sudut lebih dari 20 derajad.
Beban akibat Panas
Mengingat sebagian besar curtain wall adalah aluminium yang mempunyai koefisien ekspansi panas yang sangat tinggi, hal ini akan menyebabkan ekspansi yang cukup tinggi akan terjadi setelah beberapa lantai terakumulasi dalam perbedaan suhu yang tinggi. Hal ini biasanya diatasi dengan detail gap dengan penyelesaian gasket.
Beban Akibat Ledakan
Dengan maraknya isu terorisme dan sejarah yang telah mencatat bahwa gedung dengan curtain wall merupakan sasaran favorit peledakan. WTC, Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building di Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Di Amerika menjadi kewajiban bangunan publik untuk dapat mengantisipasi serangan bom. Pendekatan keamanan terhadap serangan bom biasanya diatasi dengan pemakaian kaca laminated, yang ketika pecah tidak akan berhamburan.

Jumat, 22 Agustus 2008

Komunitas Facade Engineering

Gambaran mengenai komunitas facade engineering yang sudah "mapan" dapat di lihat di Society of Facade Engineering

“Façade engineering is the art of resolving aesthetic, environmental and structural issues to achieve the enclosure of habitable space.”

Disiplin ilmu ini merupakan gabungan berbagai disiplin ilmu. untuk mendapatkan ruang arsitektural yang nyaman di huni dan hemat energi perlu dialog dan komunikasi yang nyambung antara, Arsitek,façade engineers, building services engineers, structural engineers dan kontraktor. Rangkaian proses dalam menghadirkan facade bangunan melibatkan multidisiplin ilmu tersebut dalam rangkaian yang semakin kabur batas-batasnya sejak desain, Pembuatan, Instalasi, testing dan pemeliharaan facade.

Untuk mendapatkan gambaran lebih jelas mengenai lingkup facade engineering silahkan down load beberapa PDF file

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

Facade Engineering

Blog ini akan didedikasikan pada perkembangan Facade engineering di Indonesia, Melengkapi maillist yang telah terlebih dahulu ada di http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Facadearsitektur/ di harapkan akan menjadi simpul forum yang mampu menyumbangkan hal-hal dan informasi berharga.
Posting pada blog ini akan berisi hal-hal pengenalan mengenai Facade Engineering. Di beberapa negara seperti Amerika, Inggris, Singapura, Jepang dan Canada, pemerintah telah mempunyai institusi khusus untuk menangani masalah ini. Tapi di Indonesia?, mari kita bergabung dengan semangat Relawan untuk menangani masalah ini, biar pemerintah konsentrasi dulu urusi Korupsi, Public Transportation dan Pemilu.
Terima kasih.

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

Facade in Wikipedia

A facade or façade (IPA: /fəˈsɑːd/) is generally one side of the exterior of a building, especially the front, but also sometimes the sides and rear. The word comes from the French language, literally meaning "frontage" or "face".

In architecture, the facade of a building is often the most important from a design standpoint, as it sets the tone for the rest of the building. Many facades are historic, and local zoning regulations or other laws greatly restrict or even forbid their alteration.

Highrise facades

In modern highrise buildings, the exterior walls are often suspended from the concrete floor slabs. Examples include curtain walls and precast concrete walls. The facade can at times be required to have a fire-resistance rating, for instance, if two buildings are very close together, to lower the likelihood of fire spreading from one building to another.

Whether rated or not, fire protection is always a design consideration both in terms of concern for the subject building as well as for the surroundings, as falling glass can endanger pedestrians, firefighters and firehoses below. An example of this is the First Interstate Bank Fire in Los Angeles, California. The fire here leapfrogged up the tower by shattering the glass and then consuming the aluminium skeleton holding the glass. Aluminium's melting temperature is 660 °C, whereas building fires can reach 1,100 °C. The melting point of aluminium is typically reached within minutes of the start of a fire. Firestops for such building joints can be qualified to UL 2079 -- Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems. Sprinklering of each floor has a profoundly positive effect on the fire safety of buildings with curtain walls. In the case of the aforementioned fire, it was specifically the activation of the newly installed sprinkler system, which halted the advance of the fire and allowed effective suppression.

Some building codes also limit the percentage of window area in exterior walls. When the exterior wall is not rated, the perimeter slab edge becomes a junction where rated slabs are abutting an unrated wall. For rated walls, one may also choose rated windows and fire doors, to maintain that wall's rating.